Monday, November 5, 2018

Zhan Zhuang

For a long time, Zhan Zhuang Chi Kung has been a well kept secret. The Zhan Zhuang system is based on a unique fusion of relaxation and exertion (opposites) which stimulates, cleanses and massages the whole body.
Over 2000 years ago in “Yellow Emperor Internal Classic” it was said: “ "In ancient times great masters stood on earth, supporting heaven, controlling yin and yang, breathing with essence of qi, standing alone, guarding spirit, with body being a one. This way they achieved longevity".

In order to achieve the healing secrets from Zhan Zhuang these conditions must be fulfilled:

1) Your spirit goes inside body where you feel as if you are not your physical body. In this state your spirit is being guarded from physical layer of body.
2) Your body feels as unified or one. It feels like your body is a solid structure. But when someone exerts a force on some part of your body, the whole body acts just like a elastic balloon by being deformed from the original posture as a whole unit or unity.

It is important to state that all of these come by itself, you don't need to worry but just to stand as explained in this link  

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