Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Wuji Standing Versus Zhan Zhuang

Wuji Standing is easier to keep correctly when comparing to Zhan Zhuang. For the beginners the Wuji is more powerful in energy boosting and healing because the relaxation is achieved easier.
The effect of lowering energy consumption is higher than Zhan Zhuang. The body consumes less energy then energy storage will increase immediately.
The correct posture in wuji can be maintained just by bending the knees very little and keeping the three points in line: the bahui point, huiyin and the point between bubbling well at the bottom of each foot.
Zhan Zhuang needs a little more time and proficiency to lock the arms' muscles and to achieve relaxation since the hands uses a lot of energy in the beginning by affecting the energy storage. Holding the arms up uses a lot of energy compared to Wuji Standing where hands are at the sides. Wuji posture is the basic of all Zhan Zhuang postures.
Combing both Wuji and Zhan Zhuang is best but doing only Wuji can also achieve extraordinary results. The Wuji posture is more adapt for the weak people to achieve faster results.

Monday, April 15, 2019

Zhan Zhuang and the Unconscious

By doing the Zhan Zhuang exercise for a relatively long time, the body will be transformed energetically (electromagnetic bio-field). Your configuration of energetic-system will become similar to that of ancient masters. Martial arts skills and techniques will be gained through your subconscious.

Moreover, you will gain even the basic instincts of fighting of human developed during evolution but lost due to modern life. This is because Zhan Zhuang ready-to-attack positional state of ancient predator species. So, all these instincts and knowledge come subconsciously and naturally because we tune to our primitive evolutionary biological configuration.

The success of Yiquan is that all new learned techniques are in accordance to our basic fighting instincts. And what is more interesting they are improvement of our basic fighting instinctive techniques which are embedded deeply into our unconsciousness. Because any technique going against our deep instincts is futile.

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Self-Awareness is the Source of Freewill

The more the technology is being developed the more medical community is shifting in terminology, from past-referred as mental disorders to the now-labeled organic disorders. There is always a physical (organic) cause to the mental problem rather than being a purely psychic, which mean that it has no relation to the brain-body system.

The old question arise: Does the human have freewill?
To have freewill means to have to possibility to choose. To have no freewill means to be just a random causality of complicated firing chains of neurons in our brain and chemistry of our body.

The secret to freewill is simply the self-awareness. The Self-awareness is a closed loop of consciousness turning upon itself. It may be called Buddha awareness being cultivated through meditation.

Whenever you are anxious and angry try to become self-aware if the your anxiety or anger is rationale or irrational. If you are the type that always find yourself quarreling with others, being always at a bad emotional state, than enter in standing meditation and see how you feel after 30min of meditation. This way you will become aware that regulating your physiology of brain-body system will change your mental state.

In other words, before standing meditation you were unconsciously a pure causality of your physiology without choice. And after the meditation you will be still a causality (cause-effect) of your physiology but with the difference that it was your self-awareness  that changed your mental state from angry to a healthy blissful one.

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Conscious Awareness is the CEO of the Brain

Our brain is the most complicated thing in the world about which we know very little. Our brain is a giant computing system subdivided in rivals subsystems. The brain works for us to navigate in the outer reality. It also controls and coordinates the inner workings of our body. The way it works is fascinating and still a mystery. But as complicates as it seems it left an open door for us. The evolution could not let this complicated system without a commander to orient it in the jungle. And it is exactly the conscious awareness which is the CEO of the brain. The Conscious awareness not only can command the brain in the outer everyday world but can be used to task the nervous system toward an inner state.

Here it comes the secret of Internal Qigong (Zhan Zhuang) which is used to command the brain and the body toward an healthy state. During the internal qigong exercise you naturally induce and aim to maintain a relaxed state (healthy state) which should be impressed upon subconsciousness.

There is a beautiful statement in Yiquan: Practice consciously and succeed subconsciously. This is true for both martial arts achievement and health. Practicing consciously is to use the conscious awareness to give the instruction to the brain. Then, the brain is a large industry which works toward the goal that you ordered. The intention through conscious awareness is the key to the evolution of species. Animals have awareness too, but humans have something more which is self-awareness which is God-like quality.

Zhan Zhuang is a health posture where the nervous energy flow is released, blood flow is increased etc. This is the posture for most people but the right posture is that which gives you the relaxed state. You can keep the wuji standing with just very little knee bending if that gives the relaxation state. During the posture the increased of energy and blood flow will give you a fragment of health which you have to impress upon subconscious mind. The relaxed state and putting the conscious awareness upon the parts we need to heal is enough to give the brain the task to find the solution for maintaining this health state. Anyway putting the conscious awareness upon the dantian is the same as putting it globally on the body.

A good method also would be the recollection of a inner state during your past childhood when you were healthy. This state of health is stored in the subconscious brain.

90% of diseases have the origin in the nervous system. Thus, Zhan Zhuang and wuji standing may help.