Monday, November 26, 2018

Body Capacitance and Anxiety Disorder Symptom of Electric Shock

One of the anxiety disorder is that body accumulate charges and it discharge by getting the electric shock in hands when touching other objects.
Body capacitance is the physical property of the human body that has it act as a capacitor. Like any other electrically-conductive object, a human body can store electric charge. If the electric channels within the body are not working so good the body can be easily charged. It can not maintain neutrality.
In qigong literature the upper body is considered Yang (positive) where the center is the brain and the lower body is considered Yin (negative) where the center is the navel (neural network of intestine).
The right-brain vagus nerve connects to the stomach. Therefore, a pinched vagus nerve will not maintain the circuit connection Brain-Stomach and consequently a electric charge ca be created more easily.

Friday, November 23, 2018

The Critical Turning Point of Thirty to Thirty-five Years Old

The age of thirty to thirty-five seems to be the turning point regarding the balance between the outer destructive energy and inward healing energy of the body. The healing energies are strong during the youth and therefore many ignore their health. Up to this period of thirty to thirty-five, one's life-axis period has a sine wave-like trend, in which sometimes the health going up, sometimes going down. During the twenty-five to thirty-five age period, one's health does not go uphill or downhill, but changes like a sine wave. Therefore, these years the health is stable, and staying in a relatively stable and balanced.

If one practices qigong during this period and after thirty five, they will prolong their life. Because after the age of thirty-five one's life-axis amplitude of health starts being reduced. The internal qigong practice maintains a higher amplitude of health. Therefore, if you keep practicing internal qigong for 5 years you will slow down the aging and in very rare cases reverse it.

Thursday, November 22, 2018

The Real Internal Qigong Method

There are thousands qigong methods. But a qigong principle that can be traced back from ten thousand qigong methods. And this is a fundamental principle of qigong. False teaching requires volumes but real teaching requires just one sentence. Real teaching is personal teaching through your own experience.

Keep a simple posture of Zhan Zhuang. Enter a state where you are watching, but not really watching; you are listening but not really listening. Be natural and relax and don't force anything. This method is very simple. When you are watching, but not really watching and you are listening but not really listening, your consciousness turns back by circling. Your brain nervous energy do not goes outside but turns within. You turn your energy back. Energy of the body is one but it can go out through different outlets. Sexual energy is outlet. Brain thinking energy is another outlet etc.

In the qigong state our brain tunes into the low frequencies of a child. Intenal qigong state requires the recollection of the mental state of a child.

In the qigong state, by decreasing energy consumption of thinking brain, energy storage is increased.  When energy is accumulated up to a certain point, quantitative changes turn into qualitative changes.

When you are sick your body goes within to store as much energy as possible. You go into bed. You cannot think clearly. You cannot eat (stomach spends a lot of energy to digest) etc. All of these are strategies of the body to retain and store the energy needed to heal. The same principle is applied on the internal qigong state when you store the mental energy or consciousness which turns upon itself.

We have to help the body to accumulate energy then the body know perfectly how to use it for healing. Even when we sleep we do not store much nervous energy because we may dream, that is, our brain is in activity. While in Internal Qigong state we can enter an empty mental state (thinking processes disappear).

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Mobilizers And Stabilizers

For the sake of simplified explanation we can divide the muscles into two kinds: 1) the mobilizing muscles which are those that are involved in movement and 2) stabilizing muscles which are those that stabilize the body. The first can be called mobilizers and the second stabilizes or postural muscles.

The mobilizers are those that enable us to move and can the fast-twitch. They can contract and relax in a short interval but they get exhausted quickly. The stabilizers enables us to maintain the posture and can slow-twitch. They do not get exhausted easily but are quite slow. They are located deeper in the body than the mobilizers.

We have high conscious control of mobilizers which we can put easily in use with our intent. The stabilizers, on the other hand, are used unconsciously. But stabilizers have two properties that are very useful. First, they can make the body structure really strong. Second, most of them are designed to stabilize and balance our body against outside force (especially the force of gravity).

The purpose of Zhan Zhuang is to become aware of the stabilizers and then gain some conscious control over them. As we said they are controlled unconsciously. The beginners of zhan zhuang in the beginning of practicing use the mobilizers to keep the upright posture and that is why they get exhausted very easily. The secret to long standing is to relax all mobilizers and use only stabilizers to keep the upright posture and feel as if a magic force is keeping us in the upright posture. Since we are unaware of stabilizers we feel as if our body is standing itself. In the beginning of practice it is a good point to distract our conscious mind to something outside like watching television in order to use at minimum mobilizers because as these are all the muscles we can be aware of.

For long standing we have to train ourselves to hold the posture without the mobilizers but only with stabilizers. That's why we suffer in agony in long standing practices where finally we made the breakthrough into a relaxed stance in which the mobilizers are relaxed and the weight is putted on stabilizers. Also that's why it is said in zhan zhuang practice to not use any muscles but relax all of them.

Why zhan zhuang is good for health? Because from an early age will start misusing mobilizers to take on the task of stabilizing the body. The mobilizers, finally, at some certain age, will deform the natural skeletal structure resulting in bad posture. Through zhan zhuang practice we re-educate the body to use stabilizers which in the long run will correct the posture and muscolo-skeletal problems.

Anxiety Disorder is caused by musculo-skeletal problems which seem to be caused by the misuse of mobilizers that are taking the role of stabilizers. The musculo-skeletal problems makes the nerves to be pinched (vagus nerve and others).

Friday, November 9, 2018

Zhan Zhuang Is a Gift from Evolution of Ancient Hunting Human

Standing Meditation (Zhan Zhuang) is developed during evolution of human hunting in the field for the preys. It is not a chance that Zhan Zhuang is the core of internal martial arts like Yiquan. Zhan Zhuang develops the attacking instincts and the internal energy needed for the ultimate attack against a prey. Lets explain the mechanism. The ancient hunting human (like predators) needed to keep an attacking position in which the relaxation and readiness-to-attack were the required conditions for a successful predator. So the evolution equipped us with a mechanism to generate energy in this standing position in order to be successful as predator. The generated energy in this standing positions is easily shaped by the intent of the ancient human (or predator) and therefore can be easily charged  for the ultimate, fast attack toward the prey. The intent is just the catching the pray.
The intent is the key in this energy discharge. But, additionally, the ancient Taoist masters noticed that this energy not only can be used for fighting but also can be used for healing.

So the standing position increases relaxation in such a way that you as predator will not frighten the the prey. It also increase the fluid internal energy which is available to be used instantly to hit the and catch the prey.

In every hunting position the legs are bent the same as Standing meditation.

This practice increases the efficiency of nervous system for coordination of a successful attack against the prey. Therefore for long standings it strengthens the body's Nervous System and develop the coordination required for effective attack which then was discovered and used by martial artists.

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

How Much Time Is Needed

When achieving 20 min of standing the healing starts to be noticed. The time needed depends on and is specific to each person. The first three months your condition may improve 10-30%. The second three months it may be improved 30-60% and so on. Standing two times a day 20 min each is better than one standing. Be aware that if intestine symptoms have been caused then the time needed to recover is a little longer. It may be up to 2 years.

From interview of Master Wang Xiang Zhai 

Monday, November 5, 2018

Zhan Zhuang

For a long time, Zhan Zhuang Chi Kung has been a well kept secret. The Zhan Zhuang system is based on a unique fusion of relaxation and exertion (opposites) which stimulates, cleanses and massages the whole body.
Over 2000 years ago in “Yellow Emperor Internal Classic” it was said: “ "In ancient times great masters stood on earth, supporting heaven, controlling yin and yang, breathing with essence of qi, standing alone, guarding spirit, with body being a one. This way they achieved longevity".

In order to achieve the healing secrets from Zhan Zhuang these conditions must be fulfilled:

1) Your spirit goes inside body where you feel as if you are not your physical body. In this state your spirit is being guarded from physical layer of body.
2) Your body feels as unified or one. It feels like your body is a solid structure. But when someone exerts a force on some part of your body, the whole body acts just like a elastic balloon by being deformed from the original posture as a whole unit or unity.

It is important to state that all of these come by itself, you don't need to worry but just to stand as explained in this link