Thursday, May 2, 2019

Cool Head and Hot Soles

Somatization disorder is the disorder of the body bio-electricity. The bio-electricity is not flowing freely or the body can not become neutral due to blocked of electrical channels.
A symptom of anxiety is the cold feet, or the discomfort and hotness in different parts of the body. This is due to some parts of the body being excessively charged positively or negatively.
What we call somatization is the process of shifting these electrical charges from one part to another without being able to be neutralized.
Hot head and cold feet is the upside down of what should be with the bio-field. Wuji standing corrects exactly this bio-electricity in such a way that the electrically charged parts of the body (yang) are grounded to the feet (yin). Cool head and warm feet is the secret to health.

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