Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Wuji Standing practice of Master Cai Song Fang

Simplicity is the secret of mastery.  There is no complicated method, "false teaching needs ten thousand volumes, real teaching is just one sentence, and to get inside qigong's door, you need only this simple exercise Wuji Standing practice of Master Cai Song Fang. The teaching of real qigong does not resemble the replication of one form or one style like in the teaching of external martial arts. Contrary, the Yiquan is internal qigong which connect you to the center Wuji from where ten thousand emerge. Wuji is formless and from formlessness any form can be born.

The form emerges or is born from interconnected wholeness of formlessness. The secret of Yiquan is just the awareness of the wuji point or center of the body. And when every part of body is interconnected through the center of body the wholeness is created. In this state if one hand moves the whole body follows through fluid awareness. You move one hand and your foot is aware.

In standing meditation you maintain the mechanical interconnected wholeness of the body by means of neural interconnected wholeness of nervous system which in turn can be achieved through DC body field or quantum interconnected-ness of liquid crystalline matrix of connective tissue (behaving like liquid-crystalline).
Wuji standing is easier and the same as Zhan Zhuang differing only to the hand position. Wuji standing is easier for a starter and needs a littler more mental directed activity by sending brain energy to the wuji center (navel).

The DC body field can be produced either from tendon stretching of the bending knees or from mental directed activity. The brain energy is sent to the second primitive brain (the navel area or neural network of intestine). In the beginning, the DC body field produced from the bending angle is dominant and then after some time of practice the brain energy is dominant as the awareness of the wuji center increases. For a starter it is better to bend less as this way the correct posture is easier. 

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