During Zhan Zhuang or static stance, the internal nervous energy is increased and circulates in the body. As known wherever there is tension in the body mean that there is a blockage. By putting awareness into the tension area (muscles) and relaxing it through breathing, the tensed areas becomes relaxed and nervous energy circulates freely. However, there is a school of thought, that the relaxation comes itself automatically without the need of mind but simply by just standing for long periods.
The somatic symptoms of anxiety are thought to be accumulated nervous energy somewhere which is being discharged through somatic symptoms (taking the role of a valve). This negative nervous energy (arousal from fear) can be turned into positive energy (comfortable) through relaxation which is a by product of Zhan Zhuang.
In Yiquan, the Fali is the technique in which the energy can be discharged when we go from a total relaxed body to a fast moving punch that comes from contraction of the whole body just as you fight toward the threat.